Art Is What Burns
—for Jiajun Nick’s painting exhibition
My good friend forwarded me her son’s paintings and asked me to write a few lines for his first painting exhibition.
Painting while journey—the first round • Look up on Van Gogh, a good name of courage! Firstly, young people are always ambitious and have their own idols to admire. It is understandable to adore Van Gogh the great artist. Wasn’t I moved and made sleepless by Van Gogh’s biographic movie Longing for life when I was young.Secondly, Van Gogh was an amateur painter but became a great master. His success resulted from his devoted love for art and his persistence. Jiajun Nick graduated from Beijing Film Academy and he is studying master in the United States now. His major is not oil painting, but the shows is great . His mother is a famous painter in China and great influence on him. His experience of learning painting at the age of six was once reported at the local TV show.
Artistry is not what can be inherited or taught at college. Its essence lies in the chemistry of the mind. As far as the origin of painting artistry is concerned, Jiajun’s case is similar to Van Gogh’s—“I paint with my perception; I love traveling, going to anywhere, jotting down my experience in the form of paintings, expanding my horizon in the pictures.”
From his works, we can see that Jiajun works hard on his way of art pursuit. “The feelings must be those that come from my own soul.” At an age of skills, it is good for the painting world, which has somewhat degenerated to formism, to return to what is called “the call of the soul”, the real temperament.
Of course, Van Gogh is high for us to look up on, where there is the light of humanism.
I sincerely hope that Jiajun will go on painting while journey .Enriching his life and meanwhile, keeping his real feelings and superb talent. Whether in movie or in painting, he is expected to go on exploring, drawing nutrients from both Chinese culture and Western culture to create his own artistic styles in his future works.

地 点:北京朝阳区酒仙桥路2号 798艺术区707街红石头广场 泛空间
时 间:2014年9月13日下午16:00
电 话:1352083887
Song Jiajun (Nick), born in province of Jiangsu in January, 1989, has been interested in painting since childhood and won several awards in national children's painting competitions. He completed his bachelor study in Beijing Film Academy.The major is animation and director .His short film won the academy award for the best work. After graduation, he directed and produced several short movies and advertisement films. In 2013,he went to the United States for further study.now he is studying master in New York Film Academy. During the time, he travels in several countries and experiences different cultures, which opens up his new horizons and gives him new insight into the art of painting.

“边走边画——第1回 • 眺望梵高”,他自己给画展起的名字,问他为什么用“眺望”,他的解释是“站在低处,看高处”。嘉峻Nick作画的心态是平和的、真诚的,他对事物的感觉和观察却是超敏锐的,看似平淡、空无的天际,他能感受到“天空也很结构”,从他心灵流至笔端下的天空、大海很耐看、很美妙,或平静或奔腾,充满激情与张力,色彩纯净鲜亮,富有时代感,观他的画如临天籁之境,他把视觉的平面赋予流动的势,美到极致……他拍的微电影、广告片等镜头里的场景、色彩、光影也很有画意,画画经历赋予了他独特的审美视角。镜头里有画意,画面里有镜头感,这就是有着非凡感觉的嘉峻Nick。油彩、刮刀在亚麻布上的舞动让他享受着视觉美的流动与快乐。
Painting Art of the Soul
Review of the Oil Painting Exhibition
of Jiajun Nick, a director of the 1989s
■Daojing Zhuang
I still remember the scene of the seven-year-old Nick with a bunch of flowers to congratulating me on the success of my first painting exhibition. Today. Nick will have his own painting exhibition in the universal space of Beijing 798!
He was born to be a painter. Although in his twenties, his painting age is not young. Before he was born, he received a good foetus education of painting: smelling the scent of paints, dancing with the rhythm of his mother’s painting brush. he made his first sketch Uncle with a great mustache when he two years old. He spents his childhood in painting and making clay figures.He grows up with art. He loves movies and went to study in Beijing film Academy.He likes to express himself with his cameras. He is sunny, persistent in nature. He does anything what he likes going for perfect. His painting show not only Chinese elements, lines, plane formations, but also his love for the Western culture, an advantage from his schooling background, both Chinese and Western. Early in his childhood, he came to know Van Gogh in his painting album, and this great master of impressionism became his most admired painter. His dream of seeing Van Gogh’s original paintings came true when he visited the American museum. He was so excited before Van Gogh’s real work that he telephoned me and shared with me his interpretation and his feelings. He studied the great masterpiece for quite some time, writing and sketching on his notebook. This zero-distance contact with Van Gogh arouses his affection for oil painting, with which he decides to express himself about his life, study and perception in California. His paintings are purely of nature and of the soul. He said, “I’m not a painter; I’m a unique thinker. This painting exhibition is not a shortcut to success; it is what he likes to do at the age of 25—painting! Paint while journey—the first round • Look up on Van Gogh is the name he himself gave to the Exhibition. Why “look up”? He said,“standing low and look high.” Nick is calm in soul and sincere in mind; his senses are sharp. He senses the structure-work of the space. The sky, the sea in his paintings withstand scrutiny and look so splendid, calm and active, full of passion and tension. The colors are pure and bright, going with the times. He creates a natural land with moving visual planes to the extreme beauty. His movies benefits greatly from his painting experience. In his micro movies and advertisement films, we spot the scenes, colors, light and shade characteristic of paintings. Painting in movie and movie in painting—Nick’s art! He uniquely enjoys the visual dance of drawknives and paints on canvas.
He said he just love painting and will devote himself to movies in the future. But on this time he wants to paint freely and merrily. In 2016, he is going to the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Britain) for further study and work on oil painting. After that, his paint while walking series will come one round after another. He is fully confident that his later works will have more of his own characteristics.
I trust him and I support him because he is my son.
Daojing Zhuang, full-time painter, Nanjing Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, national first class painter, member of the Chinese Artists Association, Director of the Chinese Paintress Artists Association,Director of the traditional chinese realistic painting association,Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Art, Professor of the Renmin University of China